- Who am l?
Welcome to the launch of Lucy's new and improved website. This is my first Blog post and my names are Lucy Kenga am very excited to share with you what l have to offer. The amount of ideas that have been whirling around in my head are ready to jump out am so happy and at the same time very nerves because am just start this journey.
- Why am l blogging?
After doing much research and making friends with a few bloggers along the way, who have been so kind to offer much support and advice, I have become completely consumed with inspiration to start a lucy kenga blog, l want to blog more about beauty, remedies and everyday lifestyle. I believe good health begins in the mind, body and soul. l hope you will be enjoying all my post.
I promise to be honest about me and my life, what l have experience and who l am.
I figure it will be a lot of trial and error so please bear with me on any grammar/spelling mistakes.
- You can get involved too!
Welcome and just know l appreciate you spending time here at the lucy kenga Blog. Everyone is so busy and life moves pretty fast so l really do appreciate taking this time to read this Blog. Another thing is to please do feel free to leave any feed backs. If you have any comments or suggestion l will welcome and l would love to hear from them.
- My goals to you!
I will always do my best to bring you content that will interest, inspire motivate and even have you walking away thinking about and seeing things in a different way than before you came. Thanks till next time!!
THANK YOU! for letting me in,