Thursday, 10 December 2020

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast at Home Without Exercise.


lose belly fat

Nowadays with everyday busy life schedules and other life factors, it has become very hard to hit the gym to exercise. And yet we still want to shed that belly fat without exercise, well my pal you have come to the right place to get to know these 5 best ways on how to lose belly fat and fast. If you are here looking for ways on how to lose belly fat fast at home and without exercising? Well, this is the place, my dear friend. It's no secret that.....shifting weight from your stomach isn't an easy business Ah!! believe me l know,. It is one of the trickiest places to LOSE WEIGHT as the fat around the midsection can be very stubborn. 

belly fat

While exercise is important to keeping your body fit and healthy, your diet determines 90% of your chances to succeed with belly fat and weight loss. There are so many natural ways on how you can lose belly fat fast at home without any exercise and achieve that flat belly you have been desiring all along. Here are the 5 best ways on how to lose that belly fat fast at home without exercise.


Eating a lot of proteins aid in the loss of belly fat, the reason is protein will help you to reduce cravings and boost your metabolism hence helping you in eating fewer calories.

So which are the good source of protein?  

ways to lose weight

Foods such as meat, fish, seafood, nuts, whole eggs, legumes, and dairy products are rich in proteins. Also, a study found that overweight participants supplemented with whey protein lost more weight and gained more muscle mass than those who didn't.


The benefits of apple cider vinegar are wide and very impressive, including improved skin and digestive health, the acid found in apple cider vinegar has been shown to reduce abdominal fat accumulations, also studies on the overweight individual have shown that those who consume 1-2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar on daily basis have a significant reduction of visceral fat.

apple cider vinegar

how to drink apple cider vinegar? 

Consume 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water in a glass daily for maximum nutritional value and wellness.


sugar drink

Sugar is a major culprit when it comes to weight gain problems, especially refined or processed sugar. Many studies have shown that excess sugar directly leads to the accumulation of belly fat.

 If you are trying to lose belly fat and weight, minimize your intake of sugar and consider completely removing sweetened or sugary things from your diet. 

A healthier alternative to processed sugar is raw honey due to its numerous enzymes and minerals and for cooking or baking use maple syrup a suitable alternative to raw honey as it is heat stable.


Refined carbs usually our body breaks them down into sugar and when there are excess sugar accumulations it is normally stored in the body as fat. 

white bread carbs

To get a flat tummy avoid refined carbs (white bread, pasta e.t.c........).  Switch to healthier alternatives such as brown bread, brown pasta e.t.c.... and see your fat belly go away.


Bloating and constipation surely need to be addressed. Your body needs to follow a routine to visit the bathroom every day, without this the body will start to feel constipated and therefore bloated. 

Drinking cleansing juices and detox and going to the bathroom are surely needed to get rid of all the toxins in our body.

You can set a morning routine by drinking a big warm glass of water when you wake up, and then you will notice a build-up pressure down there almost instantly.

You can also plan to try intermittent fasting or the 8-hour diet, a nonrestrictive diet plan that works best for weight loss.


To get rid of belly fat without exercise is not that easy also but it is not impossible, it is just a diet thing which you need to watch out what you consume. Having said that you have to consider exercising and eating healthy to achieve that healthy figure and also to live a healthy life. But for the time being, be assured that these 5 methods do really work.




ways on how to get rid of stretch mark

stretch marks
stretch marks on pregnant belly

what are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are also known as striae.

causes of stretch marks.

Stretch marks are caused by tearing of the dermis during periods of very fast growth of the body such as pregnancy it can be a rapid loss of weight or rapid weight gain.

Stretch marks appear to be caused by stretching of dry skin in a rapid period.

Natural home remedies to reduce and fade away stretch marks.

  1. Cucumber and Lemon juice.

Cucumber juice provides a cooling soothing effect on your skin and leaving it fresh while lemon juice acidity aids in healing and reducing the scars.

Mix this mixture of cucumber juice and lemon juice together in equal parts, then apply his to the stretch marks area until the skin absorbs it all, leave it for 15 minutes then rinse it off with warm water.

Do this every day and you will see results in a matter of weeks

2. Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera this is a plant that helps in regenerating skin tissues and it has miraculous healing properties.

Get an Aloe Vera gel from the Aloe Vera leaf and massage on the area with stretch marks, leave on for 20 - 35 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

Do this every day until you see some reduction in the marks.

3.Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter also helps in the reduction of stretch marks. l also have seen even some stretch marks from big companies made from cocoa butter.

Take your cocoa butter and massage on the stretch marks area in a circular motion.

The best time to apply this would be at night, and over a period of time, you will find the stretch marks fading away.

4.Almond and coconut oil

Massage the mixture of almond oil and coconut oil in equal quantities.

Do this every single day by massaging in circular motions of the affected area.

This remedy is 100% natural and also make sure you use organic coconut oil.
Try it and you will fade those marks with time.

5.Castor oil

Since stretch marks are caused by the skin tearing while it is dry, the stretch marks need nourishment and moisture.
When castor you apply castor oil or massage castor oil to the affected area it helps to heal, smooth, and moisturize the marks slowly.

Do this to constantly moisturize the affected area.


These remedies work slowly in time as you apply them. And they are not harmful to your skin. The period in which they work depends on the skin type and how long they are going to be used.

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