Thursday, 4 March 2021


 How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally at Home

whiten your teeth naturally at home

            6 Ways to Whiten your Teeth at Home Naturally

A good smile attracts everyone around you but what happens when you cannot smile more often just because of your teeth discoloration? 
Well, don't overthink it because here at live with me l got you covered! 

By using natural remedies it's possible to whiten your teeth without even using those whitening products which have chemicals which bleach your teeth and really make a lot of people concerns.

If you want to whiten your teeth naturally at home and safely without using those products with chemicals then here is how to whiten your teeth at home.


               Causes of Teeth Discoloration

There are lots of factors that can cause teeth discoloration
Teeth have a part called enamel which is the outermost part of the teeth layer. And also when plaque builds up on your teeth it causes them to appear yellow.

This yellow colour on your teeth can be treated with whitening remedies and regular cleaning.

But however other times the discoloration of the teeth can also be caused by the eroding of the hard enamel revealing the underneath dentin.
This bony tissue which lies underneath the enamel is the part called Dentin and usually, it's naturally yellow

Here is how to whiten your teeth naturally at home without using any chemical-based products.

  1. Change your Food Dietary  

First, you should eliminate food and drinks which can stain your teeth, food, and drinks which contain tannins e.g tea and wine.
Also dark sodas and coffee can cause teeth stains.

Foods with acids will wear down the enamel and make your teeth look yellow.

        2. Brush your Teeth Regularly  

 Brushing your teeth every day is very important to keep your teeth bright.

Make sure you brush your teeth more often, especially after taking your meal, but however, Dentists usually recommend waiting 30 minutes after eating acidic foods or drinks since it leads to teeth erosion.

Acids foods and beverages weaken the teeth' enamel.

          3. Quit Smoking

Any kind of smoking and also tobacco products can bring the nicotine stain to your teeth.

It can also bring tooth decay and even also gum diseases which both damage the teeth enamel.

         4. Oil Pulling

This technique is an Indian traditional way of teeth whitening remedy.
The term oil pulling is when you wash your mouth using any type of oil, it helps to remove all dirt and any type of bacteria and also debris from your mouth.

The plaque which makes your teeth yellow is caused by these bacteria which oil pulling removes.

However, there is no scientific research that can prove that oil pulling does help in teeth whitening, but there are proves from people who have tried this method and got good results.

    Here is how to try this oil pulling;
After you are done brushing your teeth 
Take 1 tablespoon of any oil and rinse your mouth for about 15 to 20 minutes 
Then spit it out.

These here are the preferable oils;
1. Coconut oil
2. Sesame oil
3. Sunflower oil

         5. Using Baking Soda while Brushing

Baking soda helps to remove stains from your teeth surface, it has been known to be the safe way to remove teeth discoloration.
It also helps to fight bacteria which helps to reduce plaque and also aids to prevent tooth decay, hence helps to whiten your teeth.

          6. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide polishes stains away from your teeth naturally since it has a natural and mild bleaching agent.
It also kills the bacteria in your teeth, hydrogen peroxide has been used regularly by people to kill bacteria in wounds since many years back.

But this hydrogen peroxide can increase sensitivity to your teeth, so it is not advisable to use it for a long period of time.
It is also not suitable for people who have sensitive teeth.

The concentration of Hydrogen peroxide in the stores is commonly 3% solution. So when using hydrogen peroxide, you can dilute it into a 1.5% concentration by mixing it with water equally. And use it as a mouth wash before brushing your teeth.

The second way of using Hydrogen peroxide is to mix 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 baking soda to make a paste and use this mixture to gently brush your teeth.

Do this 2 to 3 times a week only and not more because overusing this mixture can cause erosion to your teeth enamel.

Bottom line

These are just among the few natural ways to whiten your teeth at home. These are home remedies that gently helps you to remove stain from your teeth and get rids of tooth discoloration.

However, if you need more whitening methods and faster results you can visit your dentist for more whitening treatments that are stronger.
Keep in mind that overusing any teeth whitening products can damage your teeth.

And remember to always visit your dentist to check what your options are.


Tuesday, 22 December 2020



5 Best Ways to Get Rid Of Dark Spots Naturally. 

Everybody would love to have spotless skin to boost more confidence and feel good about their skin. Here today am giving you free 5 best natural ways to get rid of dark spots.

The skin contains melanin which is the main factor that gives the skin its color, so melanin is the pigment that is responsible for the skin color.

So when certain cells skin has more melanin than other skin areas it creates the dark patches also called hyperpigmentation which is the discoloration of the skin.

Hyperpigmentation can be caused due to overexposure the sun. But there are other several factors that can also cause hyperpigmentation like, aging, pregnancy, acne or pimples, hormonal imbalance, and also some medical prescriptions.

Dark spots can be very frustrating sometimes, but there are several ways to get rid of them or to fade the dark spots. You can use cosmetics procedures but also you can use natural remedies too, here are the 5 best ways to get rid of dark spots naturally.

             1.  Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera contains a natural depigmentation ingredient called Aloin which study shows that it can stabilize the melanin cells level,

  • It works effectively as a nontoxic hyperpigmentation treatment.
  • Apply Aloe Vera gel or juice directly to the affected area with a dark spot and leave it for 30 minutes.
  •  Rinse with lukewarm water 
  •   Now apply your moisturizer

·         Do this twice a day, morning and evening for the best and fast results


2.   Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid; researches have shown that this ingredient can aid to get rid of dark spots.

  • It also contains antioxidant properties which also aids in balancing the oiliness of the skin.
  •   Mix equal portions of apple cider vinegar and water and stir well.
  •  Apply to the affected area and leave for 5 to 8 minutes.
  •  Rinse well with lukewarm water
  •  Now apply your moisturizer


3.   Lemon

Lemon contains citric acid which aids in fading hyperpigmentation, and also has vitamin C in it.

  •      Apply lemon juice to the affected area  and leave for 15 minutes
  •          You can add rose water to the lemon juice if you have sensitive skin to citric acid
  •          Rinse well with lukewarm water
  •       Then apply your daily moisturizer


4.       Tumeric

Tumeric contains antioxidant, research also shows that it has curcumin ingredient in it which helps to fight free radicals and fades dark spots.

  •          Combine 3 tablespoon of turmeric powder  with 2 tablespoons of milk, mix very well
  •          Apply with a cotton ball on the affected area  and leave for 20 minutes
  •          Rinse well with lukewarm water
  •          Now apply your moisturizer


5.   Milk

Milk contains the lactic acid ingredient in it which helps to fade skin discoloration

Milk, buttermilk, sour milk, and even also yogurt contain the same lactic acid ingredient.

  •          Soak a cotton ball in the bowl of milk
  •          Rub the milk-soaked cotton ball on the affected area leave for 15 to 20 minutes
  •          Rinse with lukewarm water
  •          Do this twice a day for the best results


Bottom line

Hyperpigmentation is a cosmetic concern and not a medical one, so as long as you are happy with yourself then all is good. These are the top 5 best ways to get rid of black spots, but there are other several home remedies that can help too without harming your skin.

Thursday, 10 December 2020

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast at Home Without Exercise.


lose belly fat

Nowadays with everyday busy life schedules and other life factors, it has become very hard to hit the gym to exercise. And yet we still want to shed that belly fat without exercise, well my pal you have come to the right place to get to know these 5 best ways on how to lose belly fat and fast. If you are here looking for ways on how to lose belly fat fast at home and without exercising? Well, this is the place, my dear friend. It's no secret that.....shifting weight from your stomach isn't an easy business Ah!! believe me l know,. It is one of the trickiest places to LOSE WEIGHT as the fat around the midsection can be very stubborn. 

belly fat

While exercise is important to keeping your body fit and healthy, your diet determines 90% of your chances to succeed with belly fat and weight loss. There are so many natural ways on how you can lose belly fat fast at home without any exercise and achieve that flat belly you have been desiring all along. Here are the 5 best ways on how to lose that belly fat fast at home without exercise.


Eating a lot of proteins aid in the loss of belly fat, the reason is protein will help you to reduce cravings and boost your metabolism hence helping you in eating fewer calories.

So which are the good source of protein?  

ways to lose weight

Foods such as meat, fish, seafood, nuts, whole eggs, legumes, and dairy products are rich in proteins. Also, a study found that overweight participants supplemented with whey protein lost more weight and gained more muscle mass than those who didn't.


The benefits of apple cider vinegar are wide and very impressive, including improved skin and digestive health, the acid found in apple cider vinegar has been shown to reduce abdominal fat accumulations, also studies on the overweight individual have shown that those who consume 1-2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar on daily basis have a significant reduction of visceral fat.

apple cider vinegar

how to drink apple cider vinegar? 

Consume 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water in a glass daily for maximum nutritional value and wellness.


sugar drink

Sugar is a major culprit when it comes to weight gain problems, especially refined or processed sugar. Many studies have shown that excess sugar directly leads to the accumulation of belly fat.

 If you are trying to lose belly fat and weight, minimize your intake of sugar and consider completely removing sweetened or sugary things from your diet. 

A healthier alternative to processed sugar is raw honey due to its numerous enzymes and minerals and for cooking or baking use maple syrup a suitable alternative to raw honey as it is heat stable.


Refined carbs usually our body breaks them down into sugar and when there are excess sugar accumulations it is normally stored in the body as fat. 

white bread carbs

To get a flat tummy avoid refined carbs (white bread, pasta e.t.c........).  Switch to healthier alternatives such as brown bread, brown pasta e.t.c.... and see your fat belly go away.


Bloating and constipation surely need to be addressed. Your body needs to follow a routine to visit the bathroom every day, without this the body will start to feel constipated and therefore bloated. 

Drinking cleansing juices and detox and going to the bathroom are surely needed to get rid of all the toxins in our body.

You can set a morning routine by drinking a big warm glass of water when you wake up, and then you will notice a build-up pressure down there almost instantly.

You can also plan to try intermittent fasting or the 8-hour diet, a nonrestrictive diet plan that works best for weight loss.


To get rid of belly fat without exercise is not that easy also but it is not impossible, it is just a diet thing which you need to watch out what you consume. Having said that you have to consider exercising and eating healthy to achieve that healthy figure and also to live a healthy life. But for the time being, be assured that these 5 methods do really work.




ways on how to get rid of stretch mark

stretch marks
stretch marks on pregnant belly

what are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are also known as striae.

causes of stretch marks.

Stretch marks are caused by tearing of the dermis during periods of very fast growth of the body such as pregnancy it can be a rapid loss of weight or rapid weight gain.

Stretch marks appear to be caused by stretching of dry skin in a rapid period.

Natural home remedies to reduce and fade away stretch marks.

  1. Cucumber and Lemon juice.

Cucumber juice provides a cooling soothing effect on your skin and leaving it fresh while lemon juice acidity aids in healing and reducing the scars.

Mix this mixture of cucumber juice and lemon juice together in equal parts, then apply his to the stretch marks area until the skin absorbs it all, leave it for 15 minutes then rinse it off with warm water.

Do this every day and you will see results in a matter of weeks

2. Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera this is a plant that helps in regenerating skin tissues and it has miraculous healing properties.

Get an Aloe Vera gel from the Aloe Vera leaf and massage on the area with stretch marks, leave on for 20 - 35 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

Do this every day until you see some reduction in the marks.

3.Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter also helps in the reduction of stretch marks. l also have seen even some stretch marks from big companies made from cocoa butter.

Take your cocoa butter and massage on the stretch marks area in a circular motion.

The best time to apply this would be at night, and over a period of time, you will find the stretch marks fading away.

4.Almond and coconut oil

Massage the mixture of almond oil and coconut oil in equal quantities.

Do this every single day by massaging in circular motions of the affected area.

This remedy is 100% natural and also make sure you use organic coconut oil.
Try it and you will fade those marks with time.

5.Castor oil

Since stretch marks are caused by the skin tearing while it is dry, the stretch marks need nourishment and moisture.
When castor you apply castor oil or massage castor oil to the affected area it helps to heal, smooth, and moisturize the marks slowly.

Do this to constantly moisturize the affected area.


These remedies work slowly in time as you apply them. And they are not harmful to your skin. The period in which they work depends on the skin type and how long they are going to be used.

Monday, 8 June 2020


How to Get rid of bad body odor naturally [ bad body smell ]

What is body odor? 

Bad body smell

This is when our body gives off a scent that other people around us or ourselves find unpleasant or smelling bad. 

 And why and how does body odor happen to our body?

This happens when bacteria that live on our skin break down sweat into acids actually it is the result of bacteria breaking down proteins into certain acids that smell unpleasantly.

It is also known as B.O and there are 3 types of B.O (Body Odor);
     1. Bromhidrosis
     2. Osmidrosis
     3. Ozochrotia

Causes of body odor

Body odor can usually occur when;
     -some people reach puberty
     -some people are obese
     -some people who eat spicy foods
     -some who are with medical conditions e.g diabetes 

Body odor is most likely to occur in the following areas of the body;

      2. Armpits
      3. Groin
      4. Bellybutton
      5. Feet
      6. Genitals
      7. Behind the ears
      8. Pubic hair and other hair
      9. the rest of the skin to a lesser extent.

The 6 ways to get rid of body odor 


1. wash with natural antibacterial soap

Since the bacteria on your skin when mixed with the sweat then it produces that stinking scent that's called body odor (B.O). Then the only way to eliminate body odor is to attack the source which is the bacteria.
So you can get rid of body odor through washing with antibacterial soap and look for natural ingredients like tea tree oil, oregano, peppermint, and eucalyptus these natural ingredients have an odor and bacteria-fighting properties.



2. Use probiotic deodorant 

Probiotics are good bacteria that prevent the growth of bad bacteria


 3. Apply apple cider vinegar to your armpits

If you cannot use the probiotics or maybe cannot get access to them, then don't worry, apple cider vinegar is an antiseptic, and its properties kill bacteria and also it balances out the PH level of your skin.
Apply apple cider vinegar to your armpits or any odor-prone areas then rinse it off with cool water. Practice this daily to reduce body odor.



4. Wear breathable undershirts

Your undershirts play a part in absorbing the sweat, containing moisture, and reducing body odor.
Wear undershirts that are breathable fabrics like cotton or bamboo, these can very much help you to fight bad body odor because they completely absorb moisture and body heat so that you can stay dry and odor-free.



 5. Watch what you eat 

Actually, your diet affects the smell or odor which comes from your body. Remember to avoid or minimize spicy foods, excess caffeine, and alcohol, sulfurous vegetables, processed foods, too much red meat, food with garlic and onion.



6. Apply hydrogen peroxide mixed with water 

Try mixing hydrogen peroxide and water. Mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with 1 cup of water. Use this mixture and wipe the affected areas with a wash clothe.
This can help to destroy the bacteria which cause body odor.

Adopt these fighting body odor methods to avoid being called "the smelly guy" or from smelling unpleasantly


I hope these tips and tricks help you to know and learn how to get rid of body odor. I recommend practicing more than one of these methods for the best body odor-fighting results.

Thursday, 16 April 2020



my welcome blog

  • Who am l? 

Welcome to the launch of Lucy's new and improved website. This is my first Blog post and my names are Lucy Kenga am very excited to share with you what l have to offer. The amount of ideas that have been whirling around in my head are ready to jump out am so happy and at the same time very nerves because am just start this journey. 

  • Why am l blogging?

After doing much research and making friends with a few bloggers along the way, who have been so kind to offer much support and advice, I have become completely consumed with inspiration to start a lucy kenga blog, l want to blog more about beauty, remedies and everyday lifestyle. I believe good health begins in the mind, body and soul. l hope you will be enjoying all my post.

I promise to be honest about me and my life, what l have experience and who l am.

 I figure it will be a lot of trial and error so please bear with me on any grammar/spelling mistakes.

  • You can get involved too!

Welcome and just know l appreciate you spending time here at the lucy kenga Blog. Everyone is so busy and life moves pretty fast so l really do appreciate taking this time to read this Blog. Another thing is to please do feel free to leave any feed backs. If you have any comments or suggestion l will welcome and l would love to hear from them.

  • My goals to you!

  I will always do my best to bring you content that will interest, inspire motivate and even have you walking away thinking about and seeing things in a different way than before you came. Thanks till next time!!

THANK YOU! for letting me in,



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HOW TO GET RID OF DARK SPOT NATURALLY  5 Best Ways to Get Rid Of Dark Spots Naturally.  Everybody would love to have spotless skin ...